Basil Parasiris is Not Guilty of murdering a pig. This is not the awesome part. He did, in fact, murder the pig. That is the awesome part. A swat-o-swine performed a clownish predawn drug raid at his home and forgot to ring the bell. His entire defense was that he thought he was the victim of a home invasion when he rushed to grab a loaded handgun in his bedroom. Naturally, the pigs never found the blow and wounded his "hysterical" (likely coked-up) wife in an exchange of swine-shots.
The Injustice is not that Parasiris got off, but that he was ever put on. When will swine learn to knock? When will we learn that all pigs are intruders?
We here at Officer Down, Officer Down! pack more heat than we do bowls and bongs (shoot skeet stoned). Right now we're watching the intern polish the barrel of our M24. Size does matter.
The swine-worshipping NRA loves to squeal; "Outlaw guns? But only the criminals will have them." So very clever Heisenberg. After all, a flapper sucking on giggle-water in the prohibition-era, was a cunt-criminal. Drive 65 in a're a goddamned gangster. So yes, you Neo-Cunts; when the arms are banned, she who bears her arms, bears the arms of a bandit. Are you or are you not an outlaw? Which line do you follow, and how far will you follow it? That's what we thought. Faggot.
The swine-worshipping liberals would rather suck on the tip of our Steyr TMP than pull its trigger. Turns out, size doesn't matter. This filth, at once, moans of pig-brutality, while rallying to deprive their beloved victims the sole means of stopping it, once and for all. Alas, had the pig-promising-protester ever learned to shoot she would have taken to the roof and not the street...but Our counterfeit-counterculture was, and remains, terrified of heights.
The American left and right are each the Other's political-cunterparts. These swine-enablers desire piggy-oppression. They say; "Let us call upon the pig to be our guilty conscience; our filthy conscience"
We believe the constitution is a piggy-pass to swinoland. I mean, we love our Mossberg 500, but really, how much fun can a girl have? Our rights ceased to exist in the instant they were penned (pig-penned). Our Floundering Fathers were empty-empiricists who believed freedom could be mastered like Africans.
The point is; the only bearer of arms in this Swine-State of ours is the pig-man and the revolutionist. Which one are you? Which lines will you cross, and how far will you go on crossing? That's what we thought. Pussy.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a Suppressed-Statist. His contempt for the The Pig? Half-ass and perverse! The dreams of a Bourgeois-Bohemia. Does Inspector Holmes not embody the WASPY false-fascist who, at once, relishes in his superior intellect (vis-a-vis Stanley Hopkins) but only so to guise the horror of his pure-pig-possession (Scotland Yard).
We do agree with Doyle on one point;
"There is nothing more unaesthetic than a policeman"*
Thaddeus Sholto in n The Sign of Four, ch. 4 (1889).
Convict: Theodore Bacino, born Jan. 10, 1936 Killed: On March 15, 1974, Bacino, then 38, robbed a Poplar Grove bank and took the bank president, Thomas Kniep, hostage. Bacino headed to Loves Park and later let Kniep go. Behind Scotty's Truck Stop in Loves Park, Bacino encountered Winnebago County Sheriff’s Deputy Micahel Mayborne, 28. Mayborne shot Bacino. Bacino then shot Mayborne, killing him. Sentence: 75 to 100 years fwtf?) Custody date: March 15, 1974 Resides: Dixon Correctional Center Parole denied: 26 times (wtf?) Parole hearing: June 10, 2008 Early petitions: June 2, 2008 (mailed petitions) Final petitions: June 16, 2008 (electronic) Parole decision: June 19, 2008
In a nutshell, Bacino doesn't give a fuck. Deputy Mayborne was pure-pig and a piss-shot. Lived like swine, died like swine. Bacino deserves to inherit not the pig's pen, but the pig's pension, the pig's possessions; Miss. Piggy and all their piglets.
This e-petition supporting his parole is out-signed 1450-40. Do we desire pig?
Please help us get this Cop-Killer, in fact, all Cop-Killers out from the pig-pen and back onto our streets.
Article after article, Fallen-Cop-Killer Eugene Bryson endures as he always did; in subordination to the pig. Cop-worshiping copywriters misspell his name, misquote his age; never once fail to cite Dead Deputy (S)tate’s five children, and always neglect Bryson’s three;
This Dead-deputy is but the subject-swine (sargent-swine) of a state-sponsored-media-mythology. The pressman presents for us The Protagonist-pig, The Patriarchal-pig, The Principle-pig. This pork-possessed press disciplines pig-punishers into the piggy-plot of a pig-parable.
In this swinocentric-structure the swine-Slayer is the Cunt-Criminal, defined as Officer-Other by virtue of the policeman’s natural authority (small cock and a scary gun). In this filthy-fascist-fable of the hog-Hero, the Outlaw-Other is born from bore, of an oink's origin, from a pig's pedigree; of a value pig-pegged to cop-coins, swine-silvers and pork-pennies.
In this piggy-paradigm, the Police-Pigman demands the Crook-Cunt so to avoid the void which will strip from him his pig-projection, his swine-screen, his cop-copy and bacon-beacon; that top-secret police-profile. The Other-Officer. Agent Abject. Chief-Slave.
We find no probable cause to pine a perished-pig, no warrant to sob for slaughtered-swine. We cop all condolence in favor of proverbs; You reap what you sew; He who serves the state has a sorry master; He who serves small masters, is one himself; He who serves is not free; Blessed are the merciful...the peacemakers...the persecuted...for they will inherit the kingdom of God...
And yes...Blessed are they who mourn.... and in mourning we are. At Officer Down, Officer Down! all flags flail at quarter-staff.
Please, a moment of silence for a Fallen-Hero; He who would not be served; He who truly protected;
That's right you pervert-outlaws, it's Sunday, and we all know what that means...Piggy-porn clip-of-the-weak.
Doors locked? Shades drawn? Safari set to Private? You know the rest; Get out your grapeseed oil. Douse your fists, wrists, and meathooks. Lean back. Start stroking.
Welcome to the Blue Light District.
Tip Off: Not into foreplay? Skip ahead to 4:30/7:15. That's when shit gets hott.
Deleuze and Guattari were two of the hippest Cop-Killers of all time! Anti-Oedipus is, behind all their Post-Marixst jargon, but an Anti-Swine Bible. Foucault introduced the text as "... an introduction to the nonfascist life." We don't know what that means, but we're pretty sure it has something to do with a Becoming-pig sqaunderer.
Our favorite part is when D&G blur the line between psychoanalysis and policemen:
"As to those who refuse to be oedipalized in one form or another, at one end or the other in the treatment , the psychoanalyst is there to call the asylum or the police for help. The police on our side ! - never did psychoanalysis better display its taste for supporting the movement of social repression, and for participating in it with enthusiasm....And if getting well amounts to getting oedipalized, we can easily understand the outbursts of the patient who "does not want to be cured," and who treats the analyst as one of the family, as an ally of the police"*
1972) L'Anti-Oedipe (Paris: Minuit); tr. as Anti-Oedipus, by Robert Hurley, Mark Seem and Helen R. Lane (NY: Viking, 1977; reprint U Minnesota Press, 1983.
The (dis)Associated Press reporting the capture of Our alleged Cop-Killer Kermit Bryson. Apparently the former tattoo artist was found hiding behind his girlfriend's trailer. What, was he looking to punch cunt before going underground? This Hartleyesque ending hardly worked in Simple Men, and it certainly fails here. Lord Bryson was airlifted to a hospital after local pigs say he put a bullet through his head. We here at Officer Down, Officer Down! have our doubts. Pigs play dirty. Either way, and in the end, Kermit Bryson is just another typical pussy Abscotchalater and not the sicko-revolutionist we hoped for.
Breaking News! A pig Is Dead! A pig Is Dead! Niki Doyle, an event planner for the Huntsville Times, reporting that a drove of Feds are on the hunt for Kermit Eugene Bryson, an alleged cop-killer, and our Man of the Hour.
FBI agents and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation are looking for a man who allegedly shot a police officer to death early today.
Why? To pat his back? Kiss his feet? Medals, honors, hugs and handshakes? No. A pig is dead and a man is free. The game is over.
Information on Kermit Eugene Bryson has been posted on nine digital billboards in Huntsville, four in Decatur, four in Gadsden and 13 in Birmingham. More than 50 digital billboards in four states are displaying this information, FBI spokesman Paul Daymond said.
Fed-pigs are the worst breed, a Babirusa-breed. It's filthy enough serving the state. It's another thing worshiping its cock.
Bryson is wanted for the willful killing of a police officer with a gun, Daymond said. Bryson allegedly shot a Grundy County deputy to death and wounded a Monteagle police officer while they were trying to serve a warrant at 3 a.m. today.
And so justice is served. Served and protected, so to speak.
Bryson has been added to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation's Top 10 Most Wanted Fugitives and a $1,000 reward is offered for information leading to his arrest.
We've got a $1,000 giveaway of our own. Where is that piggy who got away....?
Bryson is to be considered armed and dangerous.
Better he than some neo-cunt cop.
Mr. Bryson, from all of us here at Cop-Killers-Unite, godspeed as you mark out your own freedom trail....the very trail that dead pig tried to obstruct. And remember, shoot to kill! Dead swine is our favorite kind.