We here at Officer Down, Officer Down! pack more heat than we do bowls and bongs (shoot skeet stoned). Right now we're watching the intern polish the barrel of our M24. Size does matter.
The swine-worshipping NRA loves to squeal; "Outlaw guns? But only the criminals will have them." So very clever Heisenberg. After all, a flapper sucking on giggle-water in the prohibition-era, was a cunt-criminal. Drive 65 in a 35....you're a goddamned gangster. So yes, you Neo-Cunts; when the arms are banned, she who bears her arms, bears the arms of a bandit. Are you or are you not an outlaw? Which line do you follow, and how far will you follow it? That's what we thought. Faggot.
The swine-worshipping liberals would rather suck on the tip of our Steyr TMP than pull its trigger. Turns out, size doesn't matter. This filth, at once, moans of pig-brutality, while rallying to deprive their beloved victims the sole means of stopping it, once and for all. Alas, had the pig-promising-protester ever learned to shoot she would have taken to the roof and not the street...but Our counterfeit-counterculture was, and remains, terrified of heights.
The American left and right are each the Other's political-cunterparts. These swine-enablers desire piggy-oppression. They say; "Let us call upon the pig to be our guilty conscience; our filthy conscience"
We believe the constitution is a piggy-pass to swinoland. I mean, we love our Mossberg 500, but really, how much fun can a girl have? Our rights ceased to exist in the instant they were penned (pig-penned). Our Floundering Fathers were empty-empiricists who believed freedom could be mastered like Africans.
The point is; the only bearer of arms in this Swine-State of ours is the pig-man and the revolutionist. Which one are you? Which lines will you cross, and how far will you go on crossing? That's what we thought. Pussy.
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